Taye Diggs was asked what he thought about Black women who were disappointed that he didn't marry a Black women In Rolling Out Magazine to which he responded:
“I’m too far along in my life and in my career to really give a question like that any type of dignified answer,” says Diggs, who was raised in black, middle-class Rochester, N.Y. “When I was in high school, maybe. College, maybe. But I’m a grown-ass man and if people have a difficult time dealing with that, then I welcome them to see a movie with Omar Epps or Denzel Washington or some of those other brothers that have chosen to spend the rest of their lives with sisters."
I dunno. I'm on the fence about this one. I usually don't give a damn about interracial dating and all that. So I don't know if I have any beef with him over his personal life decisions moreso than I do over his horrible acting abilities, but do black women have a valid reason to be mad at him?
One thing I DO disagree with him over was his choice to NOT DATE BLACK WOMEN AT ALL, putting all black women in a box and saying he doesn't like their attitudes. That's pretty bold for a dude that initially built his career in "black" movies and building a loyal fan base of black women. Black women spending money to see Stella..., The Wood, and The Best Man etc. is why he is where he is today.
Am I wrong???
“I’m too far along in my life and in my career to really give a question like that any type of dignified answer,” says Diggs, who was raised in black, middle-class Rochester, N.Y. “When I was in high school, maybe. College, maybe. But I’m a grown-ass man and if people have a difficult time dealing with that, then I welcome them to see a movie with Omar Epps or Denzel Washington or some of those other brothers that have chosen to spend the rest of their lives with sisters."
I dunno. I'm on the fence about this one. I usually don't give a damn about interracial dating and all that. So I don't know if I have any beef with him over his personal life decisions moreso than I do over his horrible acting abilities, but do black women have a valid reason to be mad at him?
One thing I DO disagree with him over was his choice to NOT DATE BLACK WOMEN AT ALL, putting all black women in a box and saying he doesn't like their attitudes. That's pretty bold for a dude that initially built his career in "black" movies and building a loyal fan base of black women. Black women spending money to see Stella..., The Wood, and The Best Man etc. is why he is where he is today.
Am I wrong???
Ignorance: Damn he coulda at least got a hot white chick...
Yes. Taye Diggs has the acting range of a preschooler having bipolar fits.
And, yes - he shoulda pulled a better white girl. Well, I'm sure she has a great personality.
Taye Diggs as an actor is trash. And this is NOT hate. It's fact.
He plays the same character in every movie, whether he's playing a lifeless, yet successful, black dude courting a black woman OR if he's playing a lifeless, yet poor, black dude courting a black woman.
THEN when he switches it up and does...say an action movie, he's a lifeless, gun-toting black dude courting a white woman.
C'mon dude. Switch it up!
thats what yall do. you get famous and get whte girls
Taye ain't wrong for dating YT's daughter, but he is wrong for getting mad. You can't say stuff like "All black women ..." and then get mad when black women be like, "WTF?!"
And if Taye IS a bad actor - which I honestly haven't critiqued yet - are you saying that his success is parallel to Ashanti, Cassie's and all these other "musicians" whose meal ticket is their appearance?
Hellfucking yes!!! That's exactly what I'm saying. Women think he's an attractive dude so they support him (or DID support him).
It's a classic case of getting THROUGH a certain group of people and then turning your back on them once you make it. Had he initially built a career catering to white women, then I would have no problem with his decision, but it's a bit rude bad mouth them when they're the reason.
A lot of people would go as far to say that that's what Oprah did. I'm not saying that's what Oprah did, but some...
I agree 100% with Gene. What's more, can any of you think of an actor or a singer (who has been first released within the past ten years) who is more talent than fluff...AND achieved more than a modicum of success. (And no...critically acclaimed, but commercially panned does not count.)
Black Ladies don't be mad. Why invest time or energy into someone that doesn't want you? So if it bothers black women enough take his suggestion and only go to movies of people that date inside their race. Or better yet only go to sporting events with players that date inside their race. And only buy music from music entertainer that have mainly black women in their videos? I know... I won't mess with people that eat KFC cause i like Bojangles. Or I don't date ladies from Ohio, because I am a Michigan Wolverine Fan. We all have preferrences including your self righteous self. So you can be mad...you can even not support his movies...but if you don't on that basis make the rest of your entertainment choices on that same basis.
Think about the seperation within the black community.
Is this really any different than the seperation between light and dark skin people?
But thats not wrong... Its just preferrences then right?
Don't we all have preferrences so this isn't really a black issue. This can be found in every culture.
Theres nothing that you can say that will make it justified. He didnt start being with white girls until he got rich off us, that is not right.
No Kim, YOU didn't know that he was with white girls until he let you know. Taye has loved the pink toes since he was in middle school. He hinted at it in an interview.
Brandon you could have named this blog "I hate Taye Diggs" The article is really not about how black women feel about black men dating outside of the race, but your hate for Mr. Diggs. I refuse to go see black movies because its the same dam story with a different title.
It is still amazing how our woman react to men dating 'others'. I too date other woman...my favorite being Latino (Brazilian & Venezualan!!) , then Middl-Eastern, Asian and Euro.
But I have chased Black-american woman first all the time. And I can see the difference that so many brothers see, but apparently our woman don't see: To be honest... I dont find the average sister in the states to be all that desirable anymore. I know you wont like the sound of it but you have to remember that this is a competition. Woman are in competition with each other. You cant win by default. We are in a diverse world...who are you? Special? maybe to your momma, but not to me. I gave sisters the glory, attention, time, energy, feelings, money, etc. and what I got in return was almost nothing. I dealt with that because I didnt know any better. Then in college, I had a Brazilian girlfriend. She ruined me for life! American woman pale in comparison, either black or white. Its a cultural thing for me...not color. My Brazilian girlfriend was black. Fine as hell, with real hair (long) and a slim and trim body. The nicest attitude I had ever experienced. And she loved me with more passion than I could imagine...so I was like , "see ya!" NO AMERICAN CHICS FOR ME, EVER AGAIN. Tayes girl is Jewish, but she has that sexy-brunette exotic look that I like. Sista's can hate all day and night, but you do it to yourselves. You treat a brother like he is not important, or front all together. Then you let another chic roll up cause you are not paying attention. They treat us hella-nice, we fall for it, are happier and satisfied, then you get mad and complain. I gave you the attention FIRST! You didnt want it. Our woman love thugs, the thug image, and niggs' with money to blow on you, flashy cars, big houses, champagne, etc. Material sh-t. where is the loving, touchy-feely romance? Ive dated crazy-pretty woman and I was broke! and they loved me for me...where is that in this country from a pretty black woman?! and look at most of out chics: fat (but refuse to think so), outta shape, busted hairdo's or greased-up weaves, cant dress feminine, whack attitudes, self-centered, loud, rude, broad-shoulder having, finger-snappin, neck-jerking, frowning faced, negative-talking, complaining, non-appreciative, back-stabbing, ungrateful, act as if you are entitled or owed (thats why you complain in the first place), cant talk, materialistic females. Now 3 or 4 things I mentioned applies to all of you. And I am supposed to come home to this? NOPE, don't think so.
MAKEBA SHUT YA ASS UP..Willie Lynch Syndrome at its Best.Self hating negro
im a black female, and i personally dont have anythign against interracial dating.....Black men like taye diggs say "LOVE HAS NO COLOR", if love has no color then u should b opne to ur own race also....if not, then aren't u defating the purpose of ur interracial love
MAKEBA...FYI thee are black venezualians and black brazilians....and trust black caribbena women dont like african american men, we love our west indian men...dont generalize, u wouldnt like it if i said blakc men are monkeys, jail birds, stupid, broke, scrubs...which are all stereotypes.....please do not forget you were BORN by a black woman, it;s ok to like other races, but to diss your own race is oclplete ignorance.....lets not forgot who made you, because if a white woman did, u wouldnt turn out to b who u are BLACK.........d
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