Just when I thought I had run out of ridiculous, racist material to write about, Kenneth Eng, self-professed Asian Supremacist, of the San-Francisco weekly AsianWeek did me a huge favor by forking over a gem of an article affectionately titled Why I Hate Black People. This article has gotten a lot of press over the last few days and, of course, has gotten the attention of The National Urban League and the NAACP.
This article is way too easy to refute because it is utter shit and because I am Black. So instead, I am going to dissect the article and attempt to defend it.
Here's the article...
Why I Hate Blacks
Kenneth Eng, Feb 23, 2007
Here is a list of reasons why we should discriminate against blacks, starting from the most obvious down to the least obvious:
• Blacks hate us. Every Asian who has ever come across them knows that they take almost every opportunity to hurl racist remarks at us.
In my experience, I would say about 90 percent of blacks I have met, regardless of age or environment, poke fun at the very sight of an Asian. Furthermore, their activity in the media proves their hatred: Rush Hour, Exit Wounds, Hot 97, etc.
• Contrary to media depictions, I would argue that blacks are weak-willed. They are the only race that has been enslaved for 300 years. It’s unbelievable that it took them that long to fight back.
On the other hand, we slaughtered the Russians in the Japanese-Russo War.
• Blacks are easy to coerce. This is proven by the fact that so many of them, including Reverend Al Sharpton, tend to be Christians.
Yet, at the same time, they spend much of their time whining about how much they hate “the whites that oppressed them.”
Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t Christianity the religion that the whites forced upon them?
• Blacks don’t get it. I know it’s a blunt and crass comment, but it’s true. When I was in high school, I recall a class debate in which one half of the class was chosen to defend black slavery and the other half was chosen to defend liberation.
Disturbingly, blacks on the prior side viciously defended slavery as well as Christianity. They say if you don’t study history, you’re condemned to repeat it.
In high school, I only remember one black student ever attending any of my honors and AP courses. And that student was caught cheating.
It is rather troubling that they are treated as heroes, but then again, whites will do anything to defend them.
The Dissection
• Blacks hate us. Every Asian who has ever come across them knows that they take almost every opportunity to hurl racist remarks at us.
In my experience, I would say about 90 percent of blacks I have met, regardless of age or environment, poke fun at the very sight of an Asian. Furthermore, their activity in the media proves their hatred: Rush Hour, Exit Wounds, Hot 97, etc.
How many times have we turned on Black comedy shows or stand-up routines and heard jokes about Mei Ling who will "...cook fie' rice for yoo" with only the finest neighborhood felines? And why do all Asian/Black co-starred films involve martial arts? I personally don't know any Asians that practice Karate.
• Contrary to media depictions, I would argue that blacks are weak-willed. They are the only race that has been enslaved for 300 years. It’s unbelievable that it took them that long to fight back.
Right on Ken!... So what that Africans were brought over from different African nations, separated from their families, tortured for trying to learn, and forced to give up their identities and languages in a foreign place where they had no access to effective weaponry and were outnumbered 12 to 1...
I tried... I can't defend this shit. The spirit of Strom Thurmon that I channeled before writing this has just left my body...
Ignorance: Please send all hate mail here: asianweek@asianweek.com or call AsianWeek here: (415) 397-0220
The great thing about America we are entitled to have and state your opinion. Its just his opinion, but presentation is everything. We(Black people) are going to have a meeting or two. Ol' Al will say a few words. As usual we are going to whine about this Shit, instead of ignoring ignorance.
I would try to see some of his points but the presentation is so bad that if I agree with this on a black blog I'll start a march or a riot.
Before this week, we'd never heard of AsianWeek. Now everyone knows what it is and where it is. Ken, mission accomplished.
And secondly, how the hell you gon be an Asian Supremecist in America. "Nigga," didn't ya'll CHOOSE to come over here?!
Gene, your right when was the last time you saw some Americans in a home made boat trying to float away?
We may have our share of needed improvements, but nobody is trying to leave!!
WOW! Peep this:
"On the other hand, WE slaughtered the Russians in the Japanese-Russo War." (emphasis added)
Kenneth Eng, who clearly isn't Japanese, and is most likely Chinese, wants to take credit for acts of the Imperial JAPANESE military...? Keep in mind that this the same Imperial Japanese Army that's reviled in Asia for the forced Korean annexation of 1910, the Rape of Nanking (China) in 1937, the occupation of Manchuria (also in China) during most of the 1930s and 1940s, and the total devastation of World War II-era Southeast Asia (which...includes China).
Goes to show you that some folks will appropriate even the most vile of events in a pathetic attempt to make a nonsensical point.
is this a joke becuase this article is hilarious
I am a white man.
Niggers are ruining America.
What more can I say, you know it, I know it, we all know it.
They are driving the world into a new dark age.
Fuck niggers!
Dude, you look Chinese to me. All i have to say is: Look at yourself and then get on the empire state building...then jump off. Better yet, why don't you jump in front of a train and die!? Isn't that the idea of Chinese martyrdom?
OF course black xtians will die come the Apocalypse since xtianity is an Italian religion and Italians hate niggers for invading and raping their women, infesting their precious blood with black gutter nigger blood.
And that's how the gods achieved crack babies, drive-by/thug life, AIDS in Africa and the current movement of pimping 10 year old girls:::Using the Italians to do their dirty work for them.
It is the god's positioning that the Italians run the show, and if blacks ever behave outside their self-destructive behavior (looting white neighborhoods) the gods will position the Italians to give white vigilantes a dirty nuke, perhaps a different weapon of mass destruction, to destroy these urban black neighborhods from where the trouble initiates and level their communities. "People want it now." People get sick of their disturbed behavior.
i saw one of them mentioned starting a riot. they are so useless to civilization. everytime i see a white girl with one of those animals I ALWAYS see her paying for whatever they are doing. always. Ive seen asians doing it too. theyre like animals and it must seem taboo at first but that shit gets old fast. nothing can go on inside their minds except violence and anger, which means theyre idiots. human bodies with no spirit/soul.
Yeah, thats basically the problem with black people. Im not a fucking racist but i would say its true about black guys pimping 10 years old girls. Sex with black people should be illegal because its sick like, and they steal our girls and screw them, they should know better. Colored folk also just have a bad vibe to them, kinda like when you see a black chick blow up at the mall or a ganster walking down the street and i am very honest and ive never met or seen a black person that didnt put off a bad impression. Could you imagine if god was black? hed be doing some crazy shit man!
Asians are blaming everything on black people but if they so smart they would know that the whites are just using them.when they get what they want they going to turn on then
Niggers are just dumb... point blank.
Their are still niggers in their homeland that are wearing diapers and carrying spears.
Let's face it we built built nukes, electronics, mapped out the periodic table of elements and learned to harness nuclear fission. While the niggers are still wearing diapers and carrying spears. And all the niggers in America would be doing the same as the niggers in Africa. Niggers are dumbing down the world by pulling down their pants in order to catch it from the rear on mtv. Even the so called civil nigger is having a hard time not wearing his diapers. You can't tell me with a straight face that a nigger is as smart as any of us. And their unability to wear anything but diapers is dumbing down the world. point blank
People outside of the African American race surely are quick to judge. What people fail to realize is that not all black people fall into that category of ignorance or racism. And for other anonymous to say that "niggers are dumb" is really stereotypical because really nobody is the same.. People take one black person, single them out for who they are and make believe that all black people are like that. Black people are everywhere, and if you feel that black people are "dumbing down the world" then maybe you should take a look in the mirror and see what you're doing. Now don't get me wrong black people can come off as ignorant but once again that doesn't apply to all of them. I was online searching for articles and when I ran into this I jumped to defense because I happen to be black as well.
I'm Russian and I never was a racist until I visited US and saw with my own eyes the way 90% of blacks are. I don't even want to start on this subject! I just got married to American guy and I work as a bartender. All black people I see are disgusting even when they make good money and married, they are just awful and dirty. I cannot stand them! No white guy ever act like this towards me as these monkeys! I hate them and feel like all of them are scums, sorry!
OH MY GOD PEOPLE! YOU HAVE TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME! Ok. Lets state some facts and not assumptions based on what you have heard or seen in media. NO ACTUALLY, im going to rip apart you so called christians first. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? Jesus accepted everyone for what they were. How DARE you judge anyone. The definition of a christian is someone who believes in christ as the savior and want to follow in his footsteps. Wow. The fact that you even CLAIM to be something even CLOSE to a christian disgusts me. Now to the statistics. You DO KNOW that blacks only make up about 13% of America, right? So that means that first, they CANT BE THE REASON FOR WELL FARE AND POVERTY BECAUSE THERE ARENT ENOUGH OF THEM TO EVEN COME CLOSE TO THE POVERTY NUMBERS WE HAVE IN AMERICA. Fucking idiots. There are more whites on welfare than blacks, so THEY are the lazy ones? No. The media and stereotypes TOLD you that they were the lazy ones so you go and ramble about how they are negatively affecting your precious country without knowing what you are talking about. People like you make me sick to my stomach. Yes there are some blacks who are gangbangers and assholes, but to sit here and assume that they are ALL that way makes you a bit of an idiot. YOU DONT KNOW ALL THE BLACK PEOPLE IN AMERICA! SHIT, YOU DONT EVEN KNOW A PORTION OF ALL THE BLACKS IN AMERICA! AND OMG THE SLAVERY COMMENT! How about this wise guy, try and communicate with germans and french while under harsh living conditions and beatings unimaginable and tell me how fucking successful you are with that revolt. I am trying to be professional but its hard for me to not continuously classify you ass a grade A ASSHOLE. Hey, I am black, and guess what? I was valedictorian at a predominately white high school. WOW! THAT WAS SURPRISING, RIGHT? And dont think my mother put me there because it was a white school. No. It was my choice. Look. America has alot of problems. Just as much as you think blacks complain about the "white man," I see whites complaining too. Saying WE are the reason for the slowing of the educational school systems. What is funny is that the people who are saying this are PROBABLY applying for jobs at mcdonalds along with my daughter. I have a PhD in Educational Technologies. And you? Thats what I thought. Dont blame blacks for the corruption of our schools. Blame yourself for sitting there, just like "every black person in America" does,and not trying to contribute to a better future for our children. Im tired of intolerance. You should be too. If you dont like where you live, go somewhere else. Period.
I'm asian and I don't hate black people because I've never met them or interact with them, so I'm not racist. But Black's reputation all over the world, even outside America are just bad. In my country in Asia we all know about Somalia Pirate issue, they even take one of our ship as hostage and ask huge amount of money from our country. I also heard and see news about drug smuggling by black and such. It makes me believe that 95% black are those kind of people, the uneducated, poor, the criminal. But I also saw the educated black, and that they are different than the uneducated black, but those number are just too small to convince us that black people are not to be despised. But I guess people opinions are different according to their experience interacting with black people.
Black males make up 35.4 percent (the highest percentage) of the country's jail and prison population even though they make up less than 10 percent of the overall U.S population. The second most is the white male at 32.9 percent but they make up 36 percent (more than three and a half times more) of the overall population. There are three times as many black people in prison than in college. 72 percent of African Americans are born to unwed mothers. These are statistics that any recently updated reliable source will confirm. I do not hate black people even though most of them will say I do. There is a problem with crime and bad parenting in the African American community but most people choose not to acknowledge this and do not work on improving things. Most would rather lay the blame elsewhere like racism (which other people experience too by the way). This is a more than fair environment for the African American. There are black beauty pageants, black dating sites, a black TV channel and black colleges. These are luxuries that many African Americans would label racist if given to other people. Facts do not lie and when they are this outrageous things are about race, it would be irresponsible to ignore this. It is ironic that so many African Americans love to use the word ignorant because usually they are the ones being ignorant.
@ ____..(you fucking idiot) Your commonly held misconception is wrong..In fact the first slaves were in fact owned by black African people. Modern slave trade flourished in the early middle ages, as early as 869, especially between Muslim traders and western African kingdoms. For moralists, the most important aspect of that trade should be that Muslims were selling goods to the African kingdoms and the African kingdoms were paying with their own people. In the middle ages, all European countries outlawed slavery (of course, Western powers retained countless "civilized" ways to enslave their citizens, but that's another story), whereas the African kingdoms happily continued in their trade. Therefore, only colored people could be slaves, and that is how the stereotype for African-American slavery was born. It was not based on an ancestral hatred of blacks by whites, but simply on the fact that blacks were the only ones selling slaves, and they were selling people of their own race. STOP BLAMING US EDUCATED WHITE PEOPLE. Fucking idiot.
Grand. This is why I fear graduation, the impending and God-awful knowledge that I'll soon have to deal with hateful people like you lot.
Let's remember to to generalize a whole race based off of your own personal experience and what you see on TV. Also you need to understand the development of the world from the early ages and what factors gave other cultures a greater advantage into becoming what we consider to be "successful" in this world. I recommend you read the book "Guns, Germs, and Steel" By Jared Diamond. Also, people who make statements like you tend to do it out of ignorance and in important discussions and debates, ignorance is our greatest liability.
I'm a "black" immigrant from Congo. I'm in honors and AP classes and I do not cheat. There are also other "black" students who are in my AP classes and have been accepted to very good universities.
All in all, there is no logical reason to hate an entire race. If someone is capable of doing that, they are simply narrow minded bigots.
I cannot believe what I am reading here. How can you call yourselves christians when u downgrade other races like that. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Disgraceful, but the funny thing is I'm sure none of you would say these things to someones face you actually have no MANNERS!!!!!
So the Chinese people are not enslaved? North Koreans? Burma? Funny how you can write what you what in America and call it freedom of speech. Go to China and stand up for democracy and let me know how that works for you.
So many retards on this page. Lol it just makes me laugh when people judge a entire race because of personal experience. "My own eyes the way 90% of blacks" - Russian lady are you stupid? Making up statistics without any prove lol and before trying to put down a whole race you should be looking at your people, the Russians living in Western Europe are criminals (stealing, raping adolescents, living off benefits and etc) no one is perfect. I am European and I've been to America before and I realized that African Americans are putting down the black race cos they:
- Always complain about racism = blaming the Africans and the whites for their problems.
- They are lazy = they do not wanna learn anything.
Fortunately they are not all like that.
The thing is because of what the African Americans are doing they think the whole black race is like that. Aboriginal people and Africans are the most educated and civilized blacks in America.
"I'm asian and I don't hate black people because I've never met them or interact with them, so I'm not racist. But Black's reputation all over the world, even outside America are just bad. In my country in Asia we all know about Somalia Pirate issue" - for an Asian your not very smart. You have never met a black person and just cos of what you hear and see on TV your gonna generalize a race? Lol
About the Somalian Pirate act did you ever think of the reason why they are doing it? One of the reason is they are trying to protect what belongs to them. However, I have to agree that they have taking the whole pirate thing a bit to far.
Here lyes the problem. Ask yourself why everyone stereotypes the black race? Because they have been conditioned to do so by black people. There is a difference between racist and stereotyping and most people don't seem to recognize it. If 9 out of 10 black people you meet are gangbangers you can bet the next one will be too. It's the only information you have to work with and they are the ones that give it to you. Just like if 9 out of 10 teenagers waring white tees down to their knees are associated with a particular gang you can bet the next is as well, regardless of color. So is that racist to the shirt and it's association? No. It's a great thing when you finally meet one that is actually trying to set a good example but it's relatively rare. Even immigrants from Congo like the previous comment. I've meet and befriended immigrants from Congo and many surrounding areas and none of the experiences were good. The only one out of a dozen was a guy from Liberia that found it necessary to other blacks reputation and start gangbanging and spreading STDs while cheating on his wife. He was the nicest out of the bunch. I used to have to sit and hear stories about them recording screwing white women while their pregnant wife is home taking care of their children. Or how he used to rob people or take advantage of various services. Some of the most disgusting people I've ever meet were immigrants from these areas. They had the worst morals I've ever seen in my life.
its pretty amazing what goes through the minds of people, and whats the stuff about education again? lol makes me wanna laugh, i live in africa and i can proudly say that the level and standard of education is far higher than that of america
i'm 17 and i was shocked to learn that radioactivity is being taught at the university in the US.
when i first learned this in elementary school
so whenever you retards wanna talk about education and intelligence, take a trip to africa and experience this first-hand
and stop listening to what the media says
from what i see you guys are just losers with a PC and a dictionary
black, white, or asian. I hate the human race altogether.
One thing I hate about black people is that they can't handle the truth. They know what they are doing to make people hate them and they're not correcting shit about it.
It is ashame how racist this world can be. Black people have invented alot of things in this world. Not all of them are ignorant. The Bible says love one another. God is not racist. Being racist is a sin. The lord is coming back. I hope that you will change your ways and get save. Acts 2:38 save!
This is so sad to see people that come from different walks of life act like this, we are all human beings, we shouldn't be treating each other like this, im black and I have friends that are white, chinese, vietnamese, mexican and more.We all sat down and read these comments, it made us very sad that people have such hatred in their hearts. Their are bigger problems in this world like hunger and war. But I can understand that some black people do act vile and stupid and it makes the ones that are educated and have a good job like me look bad,so please my people may act retarded sometimes but not all blacks behave this way.On this little rock speeding through a huge universe,we are nothing compared to the vast universe. We need to evolve as human beings or else we will extinguish our own civilaztion with war, hatred and racism: WE NEED TO MOVE FORWARD FROM ALL THIS HATRED AND BUILD A WORLD THAT ALL RACES ARE COMFORTABLE TO BE WHO THEY ARE, AND THAT GENERATIONS MAY LIVE ON AND PROSPER. THIS IS VERY SAD, VERY SAD INDEED.
I'm sorry, but I had to post this. I am black, and I have never done any of those things that you said. I'm in all advanced classes, and no I've never cheated. I'm in band, and plan one day to be a drum major and get a scholarship. For the record, whenever I see an asian I don't judge them. Why? Because I know it's a wrong thing to do. Plus how are you a minority who hates another minority? You want to know who really "pokes jokes at you"? The caucasians that go to my school. Yep, these are words of a 14 year old.
You know, I am not a huge fan of Blacks. But thisn is not a blacks have challenges posts, AND THEY DO. It is a "I am wonderful asian" and better than those greasy niggers post. You my friend are a RACIST.
Dude u are completely right in EVERY WAY!!!
Keep ur hearts filled with hate and see where that gets you. I am black, I love every race! And I'm proud to say it.! I'm aware a lot of people hate black but guess what I LOVE them too.! It's okay not to dislike a person for what ever reasons u may, but to HATE someone, ANYONE you don't even know, because they color of their skin?! Is filthy. You never know when a black person, or any other race you might hate, could change or even Save your LIFE. Would you still hate them then???.....? Whether you believe it or not we are ALL Gods children...and he's watching!
I'm sorry I didn't read all of your reasons but Christianity wasn't forced upon them. Catholicism was... 2 VERY different religions. And we don't hate Asains. Actually I love them. My boyfriend. He's Asian! :) and amazing at everything ^.^ including sex
Haha... Fuck you idiot white men and fuck you whore white women. At least blsck people have standards
Oh my god. This form bored me half to death, most of the racists in this form are just plain idiotic. They bring Opinions into an arguement, but the the opinion has became so mass that they have gotten others to belive it. I hate this world. I hate Eve and Adam for that apple. I hate all sin. And if it were not for sin, I'd not be posting this anyways. -Just one of the Black 11y olds, searching racists fourms to see what I will have to deal with once I grow up.
Erm... Not all African americans are like this. I am black,white,chinese,and indian. Im also jewish. Im in Ap classes without cheating. In my school,asians are treated the same as everyone.
And think about this, did we want to be slaves? No. Have we tryed to stop it? Yes. But "masters" told slaves they were idiots and beat them down until the blacks only relied on them. Its.like an abusive relationship. They hurt you until your nothing,then you have nothing.
Blacks are very annoying from my experience. They are so vain and full of themselves. I have rarely met a good black person. The reason why I dont have any desire to live in America is because of the thousands of black people who live there. They think the world owes something to them. They are racist themselves and always ready to pull the race card to defend themselves.
You can be certain that wherever black people live in abundance, there will be crime. Most cities in America has become extremely dangerous because of them.
The beauty of the web is you get to see how people really feel. I never actually had someone act racist toward me but i knew it was always there. We can all point fingers and call eachother disgusting becuase its true. The common human is disgusting. The few who are not, who really understand, are stuck in the middle of the ridiculous game of society and have to take part and most likely become like the other grotesque people. I'm ashamed to call myself human. I equally hate most of you regardless of your"race"
These are some very ugly comments everyones being nasty to each other? Why because someone looks differnt than you? I love how people judge all of us black people base on a few bad experiences. I for one am not lazy well educated and I'm sick of people picking on our race the most I hope God turns all of you all black so u can see how America Treats us you guys don't know anything about being black. So instead of judging someone why not get to know them with your ignorant selves? You might learn something....idiots...
Well this has been going on a long time. Let me shut it down right here. 1.Africa is poor. There was only one good part to Africa and that was south Africa but then the Africans took it back over and now its nothing more then the home of internet spam.
2. Slavery does not matter.Why? well if you feel that you are the decendant of a slave then you have no family or friends left in Africa because any one that was not taken was kill and the area would of been looted. They only people left in Africa are the decendants of the people that inslaved you in the first place. That is the reason by the way few black people where in a hurry to return home. The people that messed them up and gave them over to slavery were black people. Every person in America is free so America is full of it though right? No. Remember slaves are not people they are property. America was founded mostly behind christain values and the bible is full of slavery. Some people did not like slavery and it was a heated topic at the time but not because of black people. It was because of economics. Free labor vastly improved the profit margine in the south. The north could not compete. Its as simple as that.
3. Black people ruin the area plan and simple. Look at a historic picture of L.A. California. Note how nice everything looks prior to the sixties. It is the same in every place in America where the population is mostly black. White people leave because blacks ruin the area. So when an area is almost all black why is it always trashy? Because black people can not run anything no matter how smart they are they can not lead themselves.
4. Does this apply to all black people? No. Obviously there are some out there that make a go of being more then the culture says they should be and these black people are call harsh things for trying to better themselves. Hell when you hear about rich people givng money to help black people it is mostly white people. Why? Because black people that make it KNOW that there is no point to trying to clean up black areas. It is a waste of money. How many times are we going to build wells or give money and food to Africa when everyone should know that in a few years the well will be destoryed and the food and money stolen by warlords, gangs or corupt govenments. White people can not even do anything about it because getting called a racist screws you. Want your kids in a nice school to bad blacks are here and no kid left behind even if they drag everyone elses to the ground. Want to move to a nicer school? Too bad blacks have ruined your last school and now they want in to the charter schools. Want your kid to grow up feeling good about him or herself? Too bad, the media goes out of its way to make black people look good on every show that is out. Which brings me to..5. Why are black people crying about rasisum when they are on a public campain of dissemination againt white people. No they are not you say well I tell you look at every show or any if your feeling lazy with
1. An all black cast...find the episodes where the white person comes on. There is a 99.9 percent chance that the white person is either; Less intellegent, has a name that has something to do with his color, not good with the ladies or if the person is a female wants to date one of the cast memembers...
2. Now look at any white show where there is a black cast memember or a black person comes on. Like before they will be "cooler" sexy to the females, have a handle on their problems and the white cast memebers will be lacking in some way to this person. My god even cereal commericals can not get by with out having a black kid hanging out with a white girl. Add that to growing up with anyone saying niggar getting publicly castized and unless your black while at the same time black people can say what ever rasict thing they want about white people and you have a major case for dissemination of one race by another.
Now I know that if your black you are not going to like this post. This is not for you any way. This post is for the people that can see all the BS and have had enough. Black people get your shit together! We have been nice but your race needs to grow up or shut up. Thank you
I hate blacks straight up. Go back to being slaves. Ruining america.
I don't think you get out the house much.
I get tired of people saying racist shit about black people. Stop bitching about it and say it DIRECTLY to them... If you can't do that then shut the fuck up. Because crying about them isn't solving anything. Go read a fucking book.
That is the problem. People are saying it to them. Every one I know us sick of your people crying about the past. White people made us slaves. ok were you a slave? No then your stupid and broke because your an idiot, not because of slavery. You want me to say it to your face? I am saying it here and your losing your shit. You think I am going to give you a chance to rally a bunch of media backed hate mongers to make me lose my job or maybe you think you can shut me up with some sort of violence. Hell no! I will tell you here you can read it and frecking turn on yourself. Also I love how everyone here that claims they are black is the best in his class and at an amazing college. If your in a good college why not use your resources to look at the data or better yet go out and make a documentary. Oh wait that has already been done and they say the same thing I am saying. When your the 30 percent doing good but there is 70 percent labeling your people as criminals you can not cry to hard. Its not my fault your culture is so screwed up. Keep on killing your selves and when the last man standing is in jail he can blame white people all he wants. You go read a book I already read them.
What an asswad? I believe he also wrote an article on whites. As an honor student, I have noticed that most cheaters at my school are either Asian or Indian.
Its funny how ignorance has affected the us they say racsim is over but clearly its you should stop blaming one stupid individual and putting a title in the whole race
Fuck no one learns that there us only one race it's the human race the hell we fighting for when we can be workung together to make a pefect future if you hate africans well to bad your ancestors are African deal with it man people can be really out there head
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