Friday, May 11, 2007

Masturbation... It's OOOOO-TAY!

This post comes from a good female friend of mine that we'll call serialblogger. In it, she poses the question of why is masturbation so taboo? Please share your thoughts.


Masturbation is one of those things that people talk about but supposedly noone does. One would think that since the turn of the sexual revolution it would be more commonplace to talk about and not just when it involves humiliating someone else. We live in an age where there is a market that longs to fulfill the sexual desire of any person without the need of a partner. From toys and props to pornography down to good old fashion KY, (or Jergens for those men who won't admit they use lube); the fact is that there are venues and outlets for anyone who is looking to have a good old fashion time with themselves. So why is it that there is still a sense of public shame when it comes to the act of self love?

Masturbation is OK! As a matter of fact, it's the safest sex that you could ever have. You should only question it's usefulness if it starts to interfere with...say, your livelihood. If you are spending a lot of your time masturbating and it is interfering with your school work, your job, or the rest of your life, only then might you want to stop and think about why you are doing it so much. A person can become obsessed with anything.

Let's face it, this is something that we have all tried at one point in time of our lives, and for some it has become a ritual as regular as brushing our teeth and washing our face; but for others it is an event that comes sparsely and is followed by extreme feelings of guilt and shame. Is it a cultural thing that tells us that sex is private and to admit that we masturbate would be divulging too much info into one's personal life?

If at some point during the course of reading this post you got the urge to touch yourself or remembered that you didn't get your daily dose of 5 on 1 contact, please make sure you clean up after yourself. It's just the courteous thing to do. Thanks.

Now if you'll excuse me...


Ignorance: "They call it a Rabbit because... it just jump all up and down ON the clitoris." -Alexyss Tylor


  1. Masturbation is a healthy recreational activity. Actually you should watch your partner do it. shit grab you a bucket of movie popcorn and watch the show. Hell, I AM AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWw masturbating while I'm AWWWWWW AWWWWWWW AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWw OH!! while I was riding this post. I have to go clean up now so I get back to the rest of my thoughts when I return.

  2. ILLLLLL....THIS POST IS NASTY....LOL. Sike, now I'm not gone put all my bitness out there, but... I know for me it's been bad from a religious's lust and the more you do it the more you want/NEED to do it (that's what I heard...LOL)

    Society has never had a problem with men masturbating, but since women have alwas been expected to keep their lady-like presence in tact...well within us, masturbation became so bad and dirty, until you become so NASTY that you don't care and you start sneaking porn into your bedroom to help you have your way with yourself...(that's what somebody ELSE did) LOL.

  3. Just Me~thats right you go ahead and let that stress out!!

  4. First of all, does KB still read this blog?! KB - if you're out there, have you noticed how out of control you Ace has gotten in the 07?! What the hell?!

    Anyway ...

    I think masturbation will always be a taboo topic in

    1) a society that continues to understand very little about the complexities of sexuality and

    2) is rooted in judeo-christian beliefs that teaches against any type of sexual activity outside of marriage between a man and a woman.

  5. JustMe... riiiiggghhhttt. Somebody else told you that, huh? lol. Don't be ashamed. Nothing wrong with a little 'erk n' jerk every now and again. U'll be aight.

    I think masturbation is becoming super mainstream these days. With shows like Sex and the City and the Real Sex HBO Series promoting it and the multi-billion dollar a year porn industry, I think one day (maybe next lifetime) you'll be able to go into the local Wal-Mart and pick up that Jack Rabbit. Jocelyn Elders was way ahead of her time.

  6. Yes, I still read this blog...

    And, Yes, my LB is wildin'.

    Well, he's not wildin' that much... He's just postin' what alotta people are thinkin'.

  7. "Well, he's not wildin' that much... He's just postin' what alotta people are thinkin'."

    Very true ... which means that alotta people are wildin'.

    Honestly B, I kinda assumed that masturbation was already mainstream. Sex is becoming less taboo by the second - fortunately and unfortunately. I can't count the number of sexual innuendos in commercials and tv that come on BEFORE 7 p.m. Yes, WalMart will have it's own jack rabbit in a matter of time.

  8. I think the better question is does masturbation decrease when you're in a relationship? Is that a problem?

  9. omg! i love this blog!

    first though -where in the heck did you find this video!

    and lol@ andrew and the stress comment!

  10. Preciate the love, dcsavvy. You can find some craziness on YouTube.

    @Gene... maaaaan, I'm not wilin' as much as three plus sized women "pop, lockin, droppin" in a random alley...thanks for the link, homey.

  11. "@Gene... maaaaan, I'm not wilin' as much as three plus sized women "pop, lockin, droppin" in a random alley...thanks for the link, homey."

    *looks around with guilty face*

    Uh ... man ... that wasn't me who anonymously posted that link. LOL!!!

    That real big one scared me. Seriously.

  12. It's taboo?

    It's a very good tool for abstinence if you ask me...

  13. what's the purpose of being abstinent?

  14. Well...Wal-Mart already has some forms of "rabbits" that are included in the new line of personal pleasure mainstream products by KY. Just FYI I read it in a magazine ;-).
